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HIST 100 Beyond the Plantation (Spring 2024)

Secondary Sources: Articles


In Secondary Literature, historians now use "enslaved" instead of slave to reflect the humanity of the individuals held in bondage. Older studies will, however, still use "slave" as a term

For this reason, we use enslaved or enslavement or slaves as search terms. 

For your skilled trade, we'll try shoemaker* OR cobbler* OR "shoe maker" OR "shoe makers"

Example Search:

(enslaved OR enslavement OR slave*)
(shoemaker* OR cobbler* OR "shoe maker" OR "shoe makers")

Secondary Sources: Books


Using the main library catalog, we'll try a similar search. Limiting to books and ebooks, let's try

(enslaved OR enslavement OR slave*)
(shoemaker* OR cobbler* OR "shoe maker" OR "shoe makers")

Example Search:

NOTE that many of the book titles don't immediately look related to your topic. BUT when you look inside, you'll find chapters and sections about your topic.  Examples: Crafting Lives African American Artisans in New Bern, North Carolina, 1770-1900

Some Primary Source Options

Using primary source collections in our Civil War Era Databases and slavery databases, try basic searches like: "negro shoemaker" OR "slave shoemaker" OR "Enslaved shoemaker" OR "black shoemaker" OR "negro cobbler" OR "slave cobbler" OR "Enslaved cobbler" OR "black cobbler"