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AMES 493/APIA 499: Senior Research in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies & Asian and Pacific Islander American Studies

Guide for students completing their senior capstone in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies & Asian and Pacific Islander American Studies.


W&M subscribes to a number of digitized archival collections related to Asian studies, Asian-American studies, and Middle Eastern studies. Beyond W&M, some archives and special collections have digitized documents in their collections making them accessible to researchers around the world. This page contains starting points to both, as well as strategies for finding digitized archives on your own.

Subscription Primary Source Collections

Open Digital Archives

Below are some suggested, basic starting points for digital archives pertaining to some topics within this capstone course. However, this course is vast and your topic may not be represented here. You may want to locate digital archives on your own.

Some tips and tricks for finding digital archives on your topic:

  • Use ArchiveGrid to locate archival collections throughout the world. Note that there is no easy way to filter out only digitized collections, so you may find something perfect only to discover you have to go visit in person.
  • World Digital Library contains digitized heritage materials from the Library of Congress's partner organizations worldwide.
  • Use Google to try to locate digitized archival collections. "[your broad topic] digital archive" is usually a good starting point. Make sure you're using reputable sources -- organizations or universities are usually your best bets. 
  • If researching a topic that lies outside of the U.S., try to locate the archives of the country involved. Some Asian, Pacific Island, and Middle Eastern nations have digital archives accessible to the public, some don't. 

Some potential starting points: