Become a Google Scholar power user! Check out the options in Google Scholar's menu hidden under the three lines by the logo. You can create an author profile, access your own library of articles, set up alerts for keywords and authors to get emails when anything new is added, look at publication metrics (including top journals), do advanced searches, and change your settings (including language and which library links appear in your search).
You can set Google Scholar up to automatically link to W&M Libraries databases for any articles we have access to.
From the Google Scholar homepage,
1.Click on the 3-line "hamburger menu" on the side of the page.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select Library Links and Search for Wiliam and Mary - Find It@WM, William & Mary -ProQuest Fulltext, and Open WorldCat-Library Search. Don't forget to save your selections!
4. That's It. Now, if you come across an article that WM Libraries have access to, it wil be accompanied by a link to Find It@WM
Once you have done a search in Google Scholar you can refine your results by using the tools on the left side of the screen - narrow by date (useful since Google Scholar's algortihm often prioritizes highly linked and as such often older articles), sort by date or relevance, narrow to review articles (which are especially useful overviews of primary studies; a recent review article is a great starting point), or include or exclude patetnts and citations.