The Main Library Catalog searches our entire print collection (including Special Collections) and about 60% of our databases.
If you're unsure where to start a primary source search, try a keyword search and then limit "publication date" to your period of interest.
There are a TON of databases at William & Mary, and the curated list below is just a fraction of all we have to offer.
Below is a curated list of Primary Source databases directly related to Britain covering the period 1939-Present.
They are organized by type of document, and each database has a description of scope & content. Use the descriptions to decide which database will most likely have material on your topic.
Language has changed over last century, and it is often difficult to determine which words would have been used 50+ years ago.
Britain is a different country, their language is different, innit? Be careful with word selection when picking keywords.
Most primary source databases will have "thematic" filters to get you started. Before keyword searching, start there. See what curated documents come up. From those documents, see what terminology is being used by contemporaries.
Begin with basic searches and do not be too complicated. DO NOT USE TOO MANY TERMS AT ONCE
Be sure to use period-specific language.
Do NOT search a bunch of terms. This will give more, not less, false its.